About Us…


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Owning a small business is as challenging as it is time consuming. Slap Johns was founded on the principle that owning your own business truly is difficult to do and even more difficult to do alone. Modern technology is as complicated as it has ever been and something as simple as creating a website or designing a logo takes weeks if not months to learn how to do.  For that reason, we have created Slap Johns to help small businesses who may feel overwhelmed by the never-ending labyrinth of modern technology.

We specialize in creating professional websites, designing business card, customizing logos, and producing grade A product photography. We do this at incredibly fair prices because above all we want to help your small business succeed. If you work with us, we will become partners more than anything. We will work together so you get the absolute most out of our services and we can create products you are proud to associate with your business. Please feel free to take a further look at our services and reach out with any questions or orders.

Have an Excellent Day!!

Slap Johns

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